Going to HOPE Conference?

Is anyone at DMS going to HOPE (hope.net) this week/weekend?

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I had plans lined up to attend last month before they changed the date to this month. All likely hood though I just got the months mixed up. ('n.n)<

But then again their crypto tracks look interesting and so does that Make a Hologram - Waves Are Cooler Than Particles talk.

Maybe we can get a travel pool together and get a bunch of us up there.

things have been too out of whack for me to attend, but something may drop off my calendar and I may decide to say screw it and go

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I’ll be buying the recording of the talks, so if you see any on the schedule you are interested in let me know and about 3 months from now they’ll get around to mailing them out on USB drives.


smashing! maybe we can do a viewing of a few here at the space along with our own ctf and locksport events.