GlassWorks updated


Just for clarity, Makers are not required to take a Stained Glass or Mosaic class to do this in the GlassWorks area.

Required classes-
Equipment- grinders, saws, sanders.
Kilns - classes will not be up until power is in.
Microwave fusing
Lamping -waiting for venting in new space.

If you do take the Stained Glass class you are cleared in that class to use the grinders.

Thank you,
Anita Willis

are there more glassworks classes coming up?

Right now there is just craziness. I’m going to check with Jen @rcktdr to see if I can teach the equipment. Jen and Anita and I are pretty crazy with work, and don’t have any classes scheduled. I’m suspecting that my next window is going to be after April 15th, and then it will be weekday afternoons and evenings.

Keep your fingers crossed for the power in the warehouse. I heard @richmeyer say he’s talking to the electrician, so we’re getting close!!

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Hi! I saw a new glasswork class this coming Sunday. I was so excited but I’ve already committed to another class at that time. Will this be offered again soon?

I’m trying to get in the habit of 2 classes a month for stained glass. Doesn’t always work out that way :frowning:.

I’ve had a request for a class on the 29th. I can pencil you in on that one if you like.

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Yes, please!