Meeting date 8/26/19 6pm
GlassWorks Committee meeting notes
6 in attendance
Chair Anita Willis l will be on vacation and not at DMS until the 3 week of Sept. If you need assistance, please contact Vice Chair John Gorman @talkers. Our Sept meeting will be pushed back.
Since the microwave fusing classes have been a main staple of the GlassWorks Dept, we voted on replacing a couple of damaged microwave pods and ordering a couple of extra, New cooling racks, and a new microwave. All were in agreement on the vote on this purchase of:
• 6 new microwave pods. At an est $40.00 each for a total of $240.00.
• 6 inch 2 pk cooling racks for pods 11.00 per pk $33.00
• 1 new microwave so classes are completed in a timelier fashion, est $110.00
• Total spend $383.00
- Classes
An additional teacher was approved to do basic Microwave fusing classes.
A mosaic teacher has been approved and will be investigating a project that can fit within a reasonable class time.
More Stained-Glass classes have been approved.
At this time, we only have 1 small kiln for classes. Anita Willis will have more bottles and a small fuse project class up when I return.
We checked the cabinets under the microwave to make sure tools for committee use are in order and available. Locked cabinets are teachers class supplies.
The Coe 96 and float glass in the cabinet under the microwaves is for the committee use at $1.00 per pendant to the GlassWorks committee box (on top of the microwaves). Class is required for use of the Microwaves fusing supplies and equipment.
**Please note All other glass in the space is for class use only please for not disturb. -
We do have a plan to provide stain glass scrap area for our committee to use on small projects but, we have further details to work out on that project. This is not available yet.
We are still in the process of organizing and finding out if our current space boarders, will be our final borders. So, I have been hesitant to load the cabinets until this info is confirmed.
We now have power for the equipment tables. The drop in the ceiling are hot. I need to find out how we acquire 1 more drop cord??? Is anyone available to help with this?
Equipment classes and use of equipment have been on hold due to safety issues. I have been in weekly communication with the Expansion committee for a filter on the sink near our Dept. At this time that sink is not for use with Glassworks equipment or to wash anything with glass shards on it. Glass infused water can clogg the drain. I have left a small bucket out for our makers to use to rinse your stuff and dump in the utility room.
Glass infused water is not safe to transport thru the classroom, then the community room, kitchen, hall to the utility room on the other side. Glass infused water splashed on you, bumped into someone else, on a community table, or breakroom table can cause safety issues. Your Chair goes by the rule safety first. I will keep asking the Expansion Committee about the filter until it is installed.
John Gorman is building our equipment back splash. The wood has been cut and will be painted and install soon. Please contact him if you have time to help. The next committee meeting I will add purchasing rugs to put in the isle behind the equipment to prevent slips should the isle get wet.
New parts are on order for the Taurus Ring saw. And the drip mechanism on the glass bandsaw is not working correctly. Johnny BlueJacket will be replacing parts and getting this equipment ready for classes and use.
After the meeting was over, we did a quick cleanup of our space. Thank you to everyone that helped. It has been a long slow road to building this department. I appreciate everyone that has stepped up and reached out to help.
Anita Willis
GlassWorks Chair