GlassWorks Committee Meeting 5/20/2019


GlassWorks full move in has been on hold due to some safety issues we will be discussing. Hopefully by the time of the meeting I will have more info from the expansion committee.

We need to take a close look at the Lamping area and vote on if we want to have gas and oxygen tanks or continue with MAP gas. These items will need special storage, and safety rules, that we need to review.
We will be voting on several items that involve the Lamping area, what type of Lamping do we want, equipment storage, gas and oxygen expenses. Please be present place your vote.

We will be voting on committee chair

Unfortunately our cabinet order was some how canceled. I have asked again for the order to be places. Please let me know if you are able to assist with putting them together.

We will be walking over to the space and discussing the suggested lay out (after the electrical is installed). Please let me know if you have any suggestions that will help the flow of the space.

Posted in Glassworks Dept
Post 2 builtin boards by break room
Calendar event


@meanbaby … you have two pending events … was the one that said 5/13 a mistake?

Yes, somehow I also had 2 meeting in 5/20 I deleted 1

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