Glass Casting and Lampworking Classes

I am a new member who is interested in learning about glass. I have experience mold making, and would love to learn how to manipulate glass as a material. I haven’t seen any recent posts about glass working this year, so I’m just wondering if anyone could help me learn or if there’s going to be any classes in the future. I would love to get started as soon as possible!

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@mrjimmy @meanbaby

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I teach a 4 class series on fusing and slumping, and how to operate the kiln. After a manual and written test you are cleared to use the kiln, and check one out from 7 pm to 7 pm the next eve. These classes are about 15 hours total in 2 days on the weekend. You must take all 4 in sequence.

Unfortunately I have only been able to get to DMS this month for a couple hours at a time. Not enought time to get 4 classes taught. I hope to get the classes back up next month. Please keep an eye on the schedule.

Thank you,
Anita Willis
Glass Chair


James @mrjimmy has been teaching prescheduled 1 on 1 Lamping classes. He is currently out of state on PTO.

@dryad2b had been teaching microwave fusing about once a month.


I’m back in town, I’d be happy to teach a one on one for the torches. Just send me a direct message

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