Getting to the train at night

Looking for ‘bus’ (data bus) and ‘train’ (training) use useless so I will ask.

The last bus that leaves the closest street light ends at 7:48.
How do the train riders go to the meetings and get to the station afterwords?
Its a mile and a half away, thats quite a stroll after dark.

This is Texas, how do people live without a car?

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They ride motorcycles, of course! Silly question. :slight_smile:

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You can take a bike on the train. They have special mounts for them.

As for busses, the only thing I can say is folks could volunteer car rides.

It is about 1.7 miles to either the Downtown Carrollton Station or the Farmers Branch Station, via Valwood and Denton Drive. It takes me about 10 minutes to ride a bike to either station, or about 35 minutes to walk. Bikes are allowed on DART buses and trains. The only “problem” hill is the short hill at the train track on Valwood, it is fairly steep and some riders may need to walk their bike up it, most of the rest of the route is fairly flat. The route to Farmers Branch Station is mostly businesses and is less sketchy than the route to Downtown Carrollton Station, which goes by a couple of cheap motels.

There are two buses that drop off near the space:

The 533 bus leaves the Farmers Branch Station about every 30 minutes and drops off at Valwood and Diplomat. The 533 is a commuter bus and only runs on weekdays from ~5:30AM to ~8:00PM weekdays.

The 400 bus leaves the Downtown Carrollton Station about every hour and drops off at Hutton and Valwood. It runs from ~5:30AM to ~11:30PM weekdays, ~7:00AM to ~8:00PM weekends.


A recent accident required me to use the train for a while, and as the carrollton train and bus gets right to the makerspace, I did the rowlett to downtown (work) then to the maker space. back was kinda long with an hour on the trains, but its doable.
I will come around more If I can work out a friendlier way to stay later and get to the train.
I can drive now, and will from time to time, but most Thursdays are exhausting at the office and the last thing i want to do is 35 traffic.
The trains are something of a relief.

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I also recommend getting the GoPass app (Android and iOS) It lets you purchase most passes on the phone and activate them up to 60 days later. This is good for using 2 hour passes on tight schedules. By activating a pass as I got on a train, I was able to use the 2 hour pass when I normally would have needed to get a full day pass.

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I’ve talked myself into getting a folding moped. I live 3 miles from the train station, so it’ll be useful for that.

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Gas powered vehicles are not allowed on DART buses or trains.

Large mopeds/scooters (even electric) are not allowed on DART buses or trains.

If you want to use the train you need a pedal powered or electric powered bicycle.

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When I first started using my electric bicycle on DART about 3 yrs ago, I had some push back from some of the DART cops about the motor on it. At that time no “motorized” vehicles except for electric wheelchairs were allowed on DART. I got special permission from DART after I showed them my bike, and DART soon changed the rule to no “gas powered” vehicles on the trains/buses.


I’m going with one of these. I am familliar with its type, I had an A bike a long time ago. xb-20LI


That will be fine on the train, but won’t fit in the racks at the front of buses… you will need to fold it an carry it on buses.

There are other options, too:

Just sayin… =P

Alternatively, one could ask for a ride to the station or your ultimate destination. Pretty good odds that you don’t get abducted.

The only “problem” hill is the short hill at the train track on Valwood, it is fairly steep and some riders may need to walk their bike up it

That slope would be a challenge for this flatlander on a road bike. MTB I might make it although I suspect I’d be gasping for air at the top.

I’d be willing to give rides to the train station if I’m there.

I may need your assistance to prevent any complications from the train police.
I’ve ordered (maybe if it completes, its back ordered everyplace Ive tried) the folding bike. I dont expect it will be a problem, but I saw the police kick off a few DJ’s who had their gear in shopping carts of all things, I don’t want them thinking its something like that.
Ive got an idea of putting the thing in a zipper bag with casters and making it look like luggage, it would also give it some rain endurance… but thats after I get it.

It is pretty obviously a bicycle, and DART is encouraging bicycle use on the buses and trains. I don’t think you will have any problems.

Along these lines, I have a currie Ezip steel moped.
Its such a beast, Ive not used it in 2 years, and Ive had it 2 years before that. the one with the saddle bag lead acid batteries. the batteries have long gone, but the bike is in fine shape. in a shed.

Anyone want it?
the batteries, between the two I have, is 3 miles, they have long past their best used by, those are about $100 each.
I wouldn’t suggest it as a first moped.
Its a big heavy thing. I dont know the model, it was about $500 at the time, ‘mens’ maybe 6 speed. bought from walmart.

Bring it to the space, and I’ll work on it. I’m sure it can find a good home. I think Tanners has some AGM cells that will work in it.

I’ve put 40 miles on it in 2 days, and its already thrown me once. its not quite broken in, but it certainly is good enough. I try it this Thursday, assuming its not pouring rain.

biking to the makerspace… from rowlett… i could get use to that (this is a simplification, its bike, train, train, bike, makerspace, bike, train, train, bike)
But if I don’t have to spend money on toll and gas (train fare) , hours in traffic (hours on train) or risk running into someone driving (being run over on a bike) … it may be better… It is, at least, new. … sometimes that is enough.

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