I used to be a member of the makerspace, but left for about a year when some life stuff happened. My mother ended up getting cancer, and I have had to help out with family matters a lot. Anyway, I want to get back into making again. Since it’s been about a year, I wanted to see if there were any changes I need to be aware of. I completed the trainings for the lasers and the multicam (even helped check people out on it for awhile). Should I plan on re-taking these trainings? How does this work for someone who’s membership has lapsed for awhile? I’d like to be more of a helping member rather than a parisitic one so I’m looking for opportunities to serve as well. I already renewed my membership, so I’m technically a member again. Also, I’ve read some rumblings of the makerspace moving. Where are we going to? When is this happening? Can I help with the move?
Welcome back, Your training does not expire as long as its for the current machines.
What are your interests in helping?
As far as the move goes, its expansion to next door. There will be future opportunities for it at a later date I’m sure.
Wrong. You ARE a member. Welcome back. Great to hear you want to become involved, I think you’ll truly find you’ll enjoy Makerspace even more. My suggestions would be:
- There a are tools you’ll like to use, start by attending those committee meetings or other ones. You’ll meet fellow members and get to know people fast - and there is always some way to help.
- Volunteer to give tours just one Thursday a month - that would be a great help see John @talkers
- Nicole @uglyknees ALWAYS has list for CA and you’ll be fed.
- Take CLASSES - the more you learn the more you’ll get out of Makerspace.
Thanks for asking!
Welcome back!
Laser has started conducting periodic “office hours” on a drop-in basis. In fact, there are “office hours” this evening. This would be a great way to talk to someone knowledgeable and see what/if anything has changed. I know they’ve put air assist warning flags on the equipment and there is a lot more rotary use.
Help will definitely be appreciated! We don’t have a schedule yet but be forewarned that your favorite shop could possibly be affected at the peak of Christmas-present preparation season. We set up a Talk category for Expansion-related items and periodically I post updates. That’s a good source for seeing the layout drawings, reading the status, etc.
I’m the host of tonight’s Laser Office Hours. Looking forward to meeting you, if not this evening, then another time.
Another great way to be involved is teaching classes. Could be be an existing class that need more instructors, or a class you create based on your particular interest or skill. John @talkers and a few more of us are discussing/planning, an event that is intended for members who want to know more about teaching at DMS. It’s not yet scheduled but has reached the point of RSN, Real Soon Now. It will get posted on the calendar when the details are finished.
I feel sure most, if not all of us, can relate to the circumstances that kept you away. Welcome back!
Welcome back Ryan! I remember you just from all your great show and tell posts! So very sorry to hear about the life curve balls, but glad you’re back around. About a year ago we added more Thunder lasers, but if you were trained on the big one there’s no additional training required.