Getting an order together

Hello Friends,
I’m getting an order together for REPLACEMENT items that are out along with the lathe mandrels Bob wanted for a class. Please add to this list. Again, this is mostly replacement items and NOT wishlist items. I’ll also be looking at ordering some Carbide end-mills for steel. Just need to figure out how to keep them separate from the HSS ones. I’m ordering at the end of the week. cheers!

Drill bits: 1/16, 13/64, 17/64, 3/8, 27/64
Band Saw Blades
Lathe Mandrels

If you want, you can make your post editable by all comers by turning it into a wiki post.
The upside is that it’ll let people help build the list right there in the first/original post.
There are also downsides, I’m sure I don’t need to lay right out.
If you want to do that:
Click the ellipses


Then the spanner for “admin tools”

Then “make wiki”.

This does require trust level sufficient to do so, and/or being an admin/moderator, so if you want it, but can’t do it, team_moderators should be able to assist.

It puts an “edit” button under your post, like so
which others can click to edit the existing post.

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thank you but we’ve just done it like this before. I’ll track the posts and make the list.

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