Over 52% off today. Great Additon to anybody’s desk!
That is about 3 dollars cheaper than the one I bought on Amazon in 2016.
Same thing, The price on it now is 127 though. I like it, it does its job well.
I’m going to get one. I’ve always kept mine in a drawer and never really happy with that. This solves my problem.
I will leave it open at night & in the morning I will close it when I leave. It may be a 4 digit pad but you can do 5 or 6 strings long code. It also will tell you if its been tampered with.
I’ve seen that video when kids can drop the other styles to open them. Also I have seen the other style open with a paper clip but not a gum wrapper.
Too late - I already purchased. I don’t allow kids around, only my pet pit bulls!
I always love the comments around Vaults and Lock Boxes. There is always the this can be broken into easily thus never buy it comment made. I wouldn’t buy this if I wanted to keep determined criminals from stealing my firearms, but I would buy it if I was trying to keep young kids from accessing my firearm while I want to keep it easily accessible for myself.
Also, here is a video of a guy opening the box with a wall anchor. These are locked with low end tubular locks, not the most secure, but will likely keep little hands away.
If that’s your goal, then this will do the job in multiple places for a fraction of the price. Functionally, they provide identical levels of security. If a lock can be trivially bypassed or brute-forced, then it makes no sense to spend so much money on the metal box it comes in.
That would provide much the same security. I’ve used the magnetic latches in the past to mixed results. You have to make sure the material you have it on isn’t too thick for the magnet though. One of my buddies found that out after installing on his cabinet, closing the door and not being able to open it without breaking the latch.
Needs Iron Man inspired computer vision gesture detection coupled with some sort of spring ejection system. Guns hurling themselves into ready hands can only save lives.
That’s pretty much my feelings about this too. I’m not trying to keep thieves away as much as securing it better for kids safety reasons, etc.
Why buy a car with an alarm system …
Yes possibly easily broken into, However what are the odds that someone is going to break in, know that you have it & take the time to open it. If there it a will there it a way. Any determined criminal will get into anything given the time. Take a RSC, even bolted down I would not put it past criminals to put a chain around it & pull it out of your house.
Even your vehicle, It can be broken into or stolen easily with the right criminal doing it.