Galaga Multicade in 102 Arcade Area!

I brought in a Galaga game for the 102 Arcade. However, it’s more than just a Galaga, but contains the Game Elf vertical system featuring 412 games in total.

Enjoy it! To switch games, hold down the two yellow buttons (Player 1 & Player 2 Start) until a menu pops up. Use the joystick to select Exit, then hit P1 Start (the top yellow button). Then you have a moment to select your game.

Use joystick up/down for navigating among individual games in the list, and joystick left/right for paging through the list.

If it ever has problems, send me a private message here or tag me on Discord in the VECTOR chat.


Cool I played a little on Sunday. I realized I still suck playing Galaga. Maybe with “free” reign I can finally improve.


Does it have Spy Hunter on it?