Futures so bright?

Imagine being this guys neighbor.


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That is the least of his shenanigans. His YouTube channel is https://www.youtube.com/user/Photonvids


Just need to have half a dozen fog machines cranking out a cloud on a dark night, big sub woofers - a loud boom … then hit the lights for a few seconds. Someone yelling “I told you that was too much charcoal lighter … here’s your beer back.”

LOL, he is one of those guys with no self restraint. I’ve spent $200+ on a flashlight and felt a bit dumb for doing so, but still love the flashlight. How much has this guy wasted on a single light he only turns on for 30 seconds every few months?

Love it, but also see the stupid in that love.

I mainly enjoy his high voltage stuff. Surprised he is not dead, much like Colin Furze.

His utility company must love him !

My guess is he doesn’t live in a H.O.A.

20kW of incandescent light = 20kW of radiant heat. Does he use it to accelerate the drying of fruit?


He has also fired up a 30kW short arc Xenon lamp. Oh the UV!