FusionPro LightBurn Expiration?

Tried to use FusionPro on Sunday but appeared Lightburn license was expired. Maybe it was just me (though I was logged into .\Kevin) but wanted to alert in case it is systemic.

Do we even use Lightburn on Fusion? Since the Fusion works like a printer …

That could be my problem right there! I’m typically on the others but with them all down, I’m trying to brush off my Fusion training knowledge…oh fun, I’ll have to double check my notebook somewhere.

Is the Fusion the one that has the online class?

I used it Sunday with no issues. Good vid on youtube and search for written manual. Both were helpful.

Just please remember the fusion is an engraving laser and shouldn’t be used for cutting.

Yep, not a problem!

What? It cuts beautifully. Acrylic anyway.


Hey all, Laser Chair here. Just wanted to clear up some confusion about this:

First, no, the Fusion doesn’t use Lightburn. We use LightBurn for the Thunders, but the Fusion uses a print driver and no control software. It’s why we tell people to make sure your design is complete and ready to go without edits before getting on the Fusion.

Secondly, we technically request that you do not cut on the FusionPro. It’s somewhat underpowered for the operation, and ~80% of the damage that tends to occur to the fusion (and the thunders, actually) happen while someone is doing a cutting operation. However, due to niche edge cases this is not officially a hard and fast rule, but rather something that we just request members to please follow if able. This may change in the future if we determine it’s necessary, but for the moment that’s the way it is.