So what constitutes the free shelf, or just free shelf adjacent? Because I’d like to just call dibs on this Port-A-Cool AC unit. It’s calling my name…IMG_20190726_092916|375x500
This is not free stuff, it is DMS property
Rule of thumb, if it looks too good to be true…its not free.
We should probably make some vinyl labeling for it; DMS Property, and do not run the pump
We basically have it as a 3000 CFM fan since we run it dry.
Might be a good idea for the a/c unit to find a home away from the freebie shelf. Else it grow legs
Maybe some of that project storage space could be repurposed into dms property storage?
Officially it’s home is the electrical closet, but not enough people can open that to return it. It’s also most heavily used by automotive.
understandable- maybe find a new home near or around automotive
It IS near Automotive – the Freebie Shelf kinda moved on top of it…
Thanks for asking before hand. You rock!
I will be putting labels on it this afternoon