Free Slip casting molds

I have a friend who needs to find a new home for about 20 skipcasting molds ASAP. There’s a variety of sizes and styles including planters, vases, boxes, etc She offered to donate them to the Makerspace. Is Ceramics accepting any mold donations?


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If the DMS space is not, I would be interested in them.


Let’s ping @jamierazzz . On one hand, we’ve got about all the molds we have room for. Individual members may want some, though. And, we might want to change out a few if these are better or more “on point” for us.

My answer would be: Bring them on!


I would be interested in any as well if there is no space at dms.

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I’d also be interested depending on what they are

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We have quite a few molds that are old, chipped, and not unmolding well, I think the space could replace a few of ours if these are something other than a figurines.

I would agree DMS should take a look and offer the remaining to members


If we get some more neutral items (aka non seasonal) that would be great! And definitely get me motivated to go refill my bucket at Trinity :slight_smile:


Yes we would like to take them. I am currently in the process of printing the catalogue that @Charlotte made of our molds. We can see from her pictures (instead of going through it by hand) which we don’t want anymore/which are chipped and make room for the new. Let me know a good time to meet up and I can help rearrange the shelves. Anyone who wants molds could also come during that time to get whatever is being pushed out from the old or just not suitable for our community in the new.


It’s hard to see in the pictures but there’s a mold that’s called Grecian pitcher that demolds horrendously because it was superglued back together and the slip gets into the cracks of the glued pieces and makes it hard to separate. So I’d like to nominate that one for retirement :laughing:


Great . I’m available Monday or Wednesday morning between 10-12noon or after 9pm on Monday or Wednesday evening is flexible. LMK

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Thanks @Charlotte ! I’m available Monday evening 9pm if that’s not too late for you @cezipper

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Monday at 9pm is fine. I’d like to get them out of our car sooner.

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We sorted through, some were too large or slightly chipped so they are here on this table and free for members to come get them!

I will keep them on this table until Friday, at which point they’ll be moved to the free section by wood shop, and will get checked on again by 7/15 and we will toss/find another place to donate whatever is not used at that point to avoid junking up the free space.

We also went through the existing molds, reorganized, and labeled general categories on tape to mark temporarily, and @shlabelle made a more detailed, also temporary list on the black cabinet.

Still working on printing out @Charlotte ’s inventory log, and am adding pics we took of the fresh intake tonight, a total of 12 new pieces! Go check them out y’all :slight_smile:


Picked up the doll head, super excited to get some more creepy baby faces out


Did the extra molds get moved for yesterday’s throwdown, or have they all found a home?

When you say some were too large, do you mean that something cast in them would be too large for one of our kilns?

Just that we have no room to store this many large molds so we cannot keep them.

All the molds available for take home have moved into the DMS free area by the car lift.


I have a garage full of Ceramic casting molds. Someone please come and get them all. I inherited them. Some have never been used. Bring a big truck or trailer.

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Would you allow some cherry picking if I promise to take quite a few?

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Possibly. The more, the better. It’s been a project I have been dreading to deal with. I’m in Duncanville. Are you looking for anything specific? He had a bunch of holidays and westerns.

What’s your schedule like?