Found this at 345am

I mean, really?
This is just being lazy and expecting someone else to clean up your mess… Which I did.

Your welcome.


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Some members have a “They have people for that” attitude. I bet they are the same assclowns that leave shopping carts strewn around the parking lot.


We should check the video. The only way to get a change in behavior is to address it with the member. If they are doing this in the machine shop, they are doing it everywhere else, too.


Relevant comedy story to that particular attitude


I’m curious where the drill bits came from. I didn’t think we had any of those in Machine Shop. In fact, someone was specifically looking for a 1" bit last night for a different project.

That’s the Demming bit set behind the Bridgeport. They are commonly abused in ridiculous ways.


As much as it may be frowned upon by those that swim in the pool with with delicate genes I do believe a “wall of shame” would curtail much of this behaviour or at the least reduce it greatly.


Im not advocating a wall of shame, but is always interesting to read others…


we actually have an 86 page (though we don’t have photos and it’s more vague often times on details).

A wall of shame for an active member would be a different issue since unlike banned members they still are at the space and people see them with it.

Often times things are accidental and I wouldn’t shame someone for that, but some things are worth calling out. I still think the chairs should have a shared ban resource for bans / troublemakers that aren’t expelled / suspended from the space. Otherwise after terrorizing one committee, they move on to the next.


Could easily do a “wall of shameful actions”, basically examples of things not to do, rather than “this person did this thing”.


That was a wild read. Quite a few drunk and disorderlies, but what really caught my attention is how many times a member straight up tackled a would-be thief.


Noisebridge doesn’t seem to mess around, they also have a “rooster patrol” that routinely kicks out people for sleeping.


We have that already - those are called " The Rules" and some folks old and new just don’t seem to think they apply and that their imaginary “mother” will magically clean up after them.
If there are “members” in fear of being “shamed” or called out - then they have a few options don’t they?
1 - Change their behaviour for the better of the Makerspace and the rest of the human race.
2 - Resign their membership or risk loss of privileges - Membership doesn’t give anyone any “special rights”


I don’t disagree, I’m just saying you could do a shameful actions wall right now without needing approval, vs a wall of shame when/if approved.

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Mea culpa. One too many late night projects running every which way across the space for a tool here, a tool there, etc for 10 hours to get done. Thank you for cleaning it up and putting the drills away.


I used the Laser whiteboard for a wall of shame. Just didn’t use names. Worked great. Didn’t care about shaming the culprits, who had been dealt with. Cared about changing behavior of all laser users. Herd immunity - catch a few, inoculate the rest. The trick is to ID the culprit and give them a vacation or have them participate in clean-up day. Then announce it, minus names.

  • “2 members were permanently expelled for chronic non- or under- payment of fees.”
  • “Member had Laser training revoked for [infraction]. Can retake training in 6 weeks.”

Do we have a sharpening jig for drills?

There are also “the rules” about harassment. From the Rules and Policies page of the wiki:

In addition, the Dallas Makerspace will not provide or display any information which may subject a member to fraud, identity theft, harassment,

Post a wall of shame, encourage public shaming, and the do-badders can report their harassers under this policy.

Or just take care of business and remove the people who can’t follow the rules, no shaming required.


We have a drill doctor. It works ok. Not sure what the max size it can do off the top of my head.
I’m under the impression that we don’t have a jig for the wheel(s). If we do though, sign me up for a class on the art of resharpening!

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We voted as chairs last year to not shame members. To message the chairs if you are looking for someone or info. Shaming runs off new members, and I’ve seem members not shamed leave because they don’t want to make a error and be hung for it.

Asking someone to clean up and put up is not a big enough problem to lose them as a member.