I’m headed there soon. Say 20m? If you’re around, I’ll take a look.
I’m back home now. I’ll see you soon tho, I’m always there.
Meanwhile, would you tell me which font and which laser?
I had the problem on donner and blitzen. It has replicated the problem with several script type truetext fonts created in rdworks, and from files I transfered from inkscape. I would have to be at the shop computer to tell you which ones exactly. Sometimes it shows on the prieview and sometimes it doesn’t.
Did you get RDWorks from our network drive or thunderlaser.com?
RDWorks can have some weird issues that crop up, like this one has. I’ve been using LightBurn more often lately, with good results.
Thunderlaser.com I didn’t know I could access the network from home.
You can download RDworks on your home computer.
You may be running to fast, try slowing the speed and see it improves…
I’d recommend before you laser anything, convert your text to paths. It’ll save a lot of grief.
What are you designing in? I know the command in Inkscape is Path > Object to Path but I don’t know others off the top of my head.
@Mrksls2 that is the right source.
side note: You can access the network drives from anywhere via the jump server.
- Remote Desktop Connection (built into windows, an install for Mac)
- address: physical.dallasmakerspace.org
- user id & pw: same as your billing and log in at the Space.
@Mrksls2 I’ll be at the Space tomorrow after lunch and can look at it if you send me your files. Which fonts did you try?
Are you rastering a vector image? Does the preview show it correctly? If I had to guess, the path is crossing itself creating a negative space and it’s getting confused.
Edit: suggestion: do the text in Inkscape. Change the paper size to the print size. Save as png. Open in paint dot net. Check the image size (bottom right corner). Resize the image to match the print size. Change the color space to black and white. Adjust the contrast and brightness to ensure it’s monotone. Save as a jpeg or png, use a white background if you’re using a png. Load in rdworks and test.
You can use gimp instead of paint dot net, it does much better with black and white images (monotone), but I haven’t tested it for any scaling issues.
It was ballerina script, and it happened because I didn’t lock the proportions before I resized it. I just figured it out. Thanks for all your help!