Perhaps digital media needs a drone
Drones in fireworks are awesome. The only catch is no one posts the videos of them getting hit and falling out of the sky.
Yea, kinda embarrassing. We tried our best to take out a couple drones!
Still a Firework Show left in case you haven’t had enough. Nice show fired by a good pyro friend Blake Stoltz.
Someone obviously flying way beyond the safety limits and someday will hit a helicopter or plane causing serious trouble. The FAA should ban drones from flying more than twenty feet high without permission.
I’m sure the helicopter/plane will be most likely taken out by the single drone, not the fireworks they would be flying through. FAA, get right on this, we need to stop this now.
I want to see a drone fly-by some of our salutes!
To the best of my knowledge, the FAA regulates airspace, which has generally been defined as 500 feet above local elevation and/or artificial obstacles (i.e. buildings, bridges, aerials, etc). Below that threshold you have a mishmash of air rights and local regulation.
Yes, there are lots of rules and regulations for drone operators (both professional and amateur/hobbyist). The biggest ones are not flying within 5 mi radius of a airport, max flight ceiling of 400 ft, and operator must maintain line of sight at all times.
Laugh all you want but a hobbyist drone could easily take a plane or helicopter or a commercial jet down. The point was, a drone should not fly that high unless under the control of a licensed professional with permission, not whether fireworks were going on.
@Contrarian … the spirit of the post was to show something stunning and beautiful … not dangerous and foreboding
That’s fine and yes, it was. But drones and their users tend to alarm me.