FLUKE 87V True RMS Multimeter, like New

I have an almost new, very clean Fluke 87 V multimeter for sale.


Here is the link to the Fluke Site:

Banged up these meters sell for more than this on Ebay.

It has brand new Fluke leads with the safety caps that you can remove if you need to get into tight places.

I am posting it here first, and then to Ebay in a few days if nobody wants it.


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If only my needs dictated that I obtain a quality multi-meter. Good luck; I’m posting this via computer driving the LA1951g’s I bought from you months ago.

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Who is paul? This mostly is and was my meter. I have the box with the serial number and all extra parts. I brought my meter to makerspace it seem to disappear. I then found it here at makerspace in the drawer in electronics. It had the same part number and serial number. If the picture shows the same serial number as my box and my meter then this person stole my meter and sold it to makerspace. How do I proceed to clear my name?

Let’s be clear on this: Are you accusing @paulstaf of stealing your meter and then posting it for sale on here?

(edit: tagging @artg_dms and @Lampy)

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yes… If the serial numbers match… I am having a difficult time reading the from my cell phone browser.

The likely hood of same make and model is low.

I downloaded the pict posted here and zoomed in on the serial. Hope this helps clear things up.

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This Fluke multimeter is the gold standard in the industry for a great meter. It is quite common, and arguably the best piece of equipment in the lab, and there is plenty of nice equipment there.

Are we sure that is a serial number? It could be a build or batch number.

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If I were you, I’d make damn sure that those numbers match exactly before accusing another of larceny. Not doing so is a good way to attract a lawsuit.

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I am in error. I did have my meter get placed in the makerspace drawer at about the same time. The serial numbers do not match… my number end 254.

I offer my apologies. If there is something more fitting you think needs to be done add that to said post.

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I would strongly suggest in the future that you make sure to get the facts straight before posting a “probably” accusation - especially worded as strongly and confidently as you did.

Please edit your first response to make it clear that you made a mistake would like to withdraw the accusation. Thank you!


@paulstaf ~ if this is no longer available for purchase. Please let us know so this thread can be closed. Thank you!

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@LisaSelk look closely at the date. Yeah, I did a doubletake as well. Thats a 15, not 16!

So I think you can safely close it… :slight_smile:

Thanks for the head’s up James. I did notice the date; however, I have no way to know whether he actually sold it (to someone at the 'Space or via eBay); and, since he is sure to see the thread pop up now, I figured out of courtesy I would ask him for an update. Never know ~ he may still have it on hand, and it may actually still be for sale. I do appreciate you taking a moment to be sure I was aware though! Thanks again! :slight_smile:

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I used that Fluke just the other day, and it is nice. I know, its just a multimeter, but its a good one. The prices are outrageous for these Flukes, but I like em just like evidently everybody else on 3rd planet from sun. I responded here, in hopes that this would not turn out to be real, and we would not lose our precious Fluke.

The gods were kind to us in electronics today! :slight_smile:

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I am NOT a THIEF!!

The multimeters and other equipment I sold to members at DMS were legitimately purchased from sources such as Ebay, wholesalers, and private businesses. The meter in this thread was sold a long time ago. I understand emotions can run high when something is stolen, but to immediately accuse without gathering all the facts is reckless and damaging to morale and people’s reputations.

And what kind of an idiot would steal something from DMS and then turn around and sell it right back to DMS, with hi-res pictures of the item, front and back, with the serial number in perfect focus? That alone should have caused one to pause before penning a public accusation.


A really dumb one… :slight_smile:

Glad we got this all straightened out.

Paul is correct he did not theive… I had my meter of the same model removed from my care and put into the electronic tool box. This was about a year ago. I did not know who did it. My accusation was wrong. Paul is innocent. What more than a formal apology is good? Perhaps 30 dollars in pizza or a 30 dollar gift card?

It has been said by other member keep you projects and tools close because theivry is an accepted custom here… This is a false statement and I acted out of this fear…