Flower mound residents - pecan from the worlds most glorious blue tree

Flower Mound has a tree in front of the community fitness center that was the most bedazzled of badazzled trees.
It was so beautiful the the most disheartened were aglow with the spirit of Christmas just being around it and old and weary shed a solitary tear when they felt the blue glow.
It died.

Soon you can feast on its remains, if youโ€™re a resident.

Taken from the book of the face:

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Yesterday, the large pecan tree at the Community Activity Center was removed. As reported in May, the tree died over the winter and posed a safety threat since it was structurally unsound.

Thanks to a partnership with Arbor Masters Tree Service and Stรฅl Timber, a Flower Mound resident-owned business, eight large chunks of the treeโ€™s trunk and large limbs were salvaged to create furniture and memorabilia. Once finished, these items will be displayed at Town facilities for residents to enjoy for generations to come that honor this great tree. More information will be shared, once available, about this project.

Additionally, residents will be able to use portions of the pecan tree. Once staff has the chance to evaluate the wood, it will be distributed in two ways:

:deciduous_tree:๐…๐ข๐ซ๐ž๐ฐ๐จ๐จ๐: What cannot be used for projects will be cut up for firewood and be available for Flower Mound residents (no commercial businesses) to pick up on Saturday, June 13 at 8 a.m. at Gerault Park, 1200 Gerault Road. It will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis by Parks and Rec staff and quantities will be limited to a certain number of pieces, which will be decided after the amount of usable wood is determined. Residents will not be allowed to cut wood on-site; however, pieces will be precut to manageable sizes.

:deciduous_tree:๐–๐จ๐จ๐๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ค๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ: For the woodworkers in Flower Mound, the Town will be working with a local company to process parts of the tree that can be used. Once this is complete, the Town will promote a pick-up day and the wood will be available in limited quantities for residents on a first-come, first-served basis. The wood will be precut into slabs to start the air-drying process so it may be one to two months before the pieces are available for pick-up. Again, the amount of wood available for pick-up will be decided after the amount of usable wood is determined.

Once distribution amounts have been determined, more information will be released.

Original Post Regarding the Pecan Treeโ€™s Health: Town of Flower Mound, Texas-Government

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Free Pecan Wood for Flower Mound Residents