That is absolutely understandable, it is something that is fairly easy to implement and keeps two departments happy, along with making for a safer environment.
Yeah it was almost approved to be paid for by the board but we forgot pylons.
Regarding the MSDS, we should look into a company like 3E, they simply have all the MSDS on file. You call them when you need the info. We use that at my work, so we don’t have to carry around MSDS, which by the way no longer legally called MSDS, it’s SDS & the fire marshal should know that.
Is there an update on Fire Marshall inspection compliance? The kilns in the foundry have been down for a while and the greenware is piling up. Is there anything an individual can do to help? Is it all a matter of funding?
The last time I heard there was some discussion about paint room vs plasma cutter, but I’ve not heard anything about the kilns or ventilation in the foundry.
Any update would be most appreciated?
Some of the board members met with the FM on Friday. This is the current list of updates.
- Foundry
- One Kiln is available to use.
- They need to be stationary
- We DO need hoods over each kiln
- He likes that a limited number of members can fire.
- Wood Shop
- Need Flaps over all electrical outlets.
- Need to create Cleaning Schedule and have it posted. - Does not need a log (I kinda want one)
- Metal Shop
- Need to create Cleaning Schedule and have it posted. - Does not need a log (I kinda want one)
- Plasma Ventilation
-Wait for Jeremy(FM) to do some more research, but he thinks our idea of collecting at the cut should work. - Need to confirm with the building inspectors though - but our members are working on this now.
- Suggests a little dolly for the Class D fire extinguisher if all members can’t lift
- Post sign that you most remain with hot equipment for at least 30 minutes after using it.
- Robert will work with Lee and Danny to create a Propane holder for outside with Ballard
- Machine Shop
- Suggested a little dolly for Class D fire extinguisher.
- Need lid for Aluminum shavings canister.
So the Paint room is still down and will be down for some time. We are trying a “Maker” ventilation for the Plasma and it should work but it is up to the Building Inspector ultimately. The FM thinks our idea should work though.
The committee chairs are aware of what needs to be done in their area but If you would like to help, reach out to the committee head.
What about beer brewing?
I asked about it and he is going back to review the city state and federal guidelines. I will post an update when we hear something back.
Awesome we appreciate it. We have some Home Brewing classes from the Science Committee that have been waiting on a green light… these classes are ichy, they need scratching.