Fire Alarm Panel

At 12:02 PM an audible sound was coming from the Fire Alarm Panel closet located in the Electronics Committee area (most NW corner of the 'space). Upon looking inside, the Trouble light was flashing on this box …

The sound quit after about 30s and the flashing orange Trouble light stopped.

The same thing occurred about 2 minutes later.

I’m not familiar at all with our Fire System. So I have no idea if this is a test of the system or an indication something is potentially afoot. Until this point, I had not heard anything emanating from that closet.

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tagging @yashsedai know of anything going on?

Wasn’t that the loss of pressure?

I am thinking that this fault happens with some regularity. It only beeps, so we’re not trying to do anything, but we night owls have heard beeping coming from that area on several previous occasions.

If it were a real problem then the Fire Trucks would have arrived. Our Fire Panel has a built-in radio communications system with the Fire Department.

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I’ve contacted the landlord on this


Front security panel has stopped beeping and reads all systems normal now.