I have recently been working on the filastruder that dms has had for a while. I have mounted it on a wall so it can vertically extruder which should give better results. For the hopper I printed a blast gate for a bottle so you can take it out to add more or dump it out. I found trying to pour them in was to hard. I am getting a loud popping sound from the gearbox that needs to be addressed. It needs to be run for another 7 hours until it is broken in. I am willing to teach a class once it is ready so others can make their own filament. I was thinking of collecting all of the failed prints/supports from the dms printers and turn it back into our own filament. If we want to recycle our prints we will need an electric woodchopper or something similar. If 3d fab (@Team_3D_Fab @themitch22) wants me to make a google doc for the filastruder to put on the wiki I would be happy to make one. Let me know if anyone has any advice or suggestions for how we can better implement the filastruder into 3d fab.
-Nate Lindberg
Woah! That’s amazing! Thank you so much for this!
Yes please if you have any documentation for the wiki it will help. I can try to find a replacement gear motor if that’s damaged and would like to see it running.
Once we expand I can probably look into getting a shredder or chopper for filament.
Thanks for this - it’s potentially awesome -
I believe we need a few things, however -
We need a wiki file on the use of this setup.
We need an instruction manual - be great if it were printed out and handy near the gear .
We need clear guidelines on how to mark the reels of filament produced ( DMS Produced on blue tape is not enough information )
Do we want bins to collect scrap plastic by plastic type and color?
Does someone have a training course put together on the use care & feeding of this equipment?
Is there a list of sources for non-scrap raw materials - i.e. raw plastic pellets which can be bought cheap by the kilo?
And lastly, not knowing enough about this gear and it’s use, but wanting to learn - how can I help?
There is an instruction doc on the wiki (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ixnNVjziMw5gb-vVOm7EVlqowahMW3qjspm1g_a9O9A/edit). 3d fab is not going to provide pellets so there are not going to be any other filastuder spools in the drawers unless someone whats to donate theirs. There are links on the doc for sources. There is a event on the 29th if you want to help out (3D Fab will be closed for cleaning 7/29/18 12pm-6pm)