FIBERFROLIC meeting changes

I just posted this in our FB group the fiber group uses to communicate. The group is “Dallas Makerspace Fiberholics” if you search for it

If you’ve missed it, Tuesday Fiberfrolics are the DMS Fiberarts group’s weekly social thing. Bring a personal project and hang with your fibery peeps.

If you come to tuesday frolics, or have wanted to come but tuesdays aren’t good, you might be interested in this:


Given that plague is about in the land, for the next while, we have cancelled the in-person gatherings.

HOWEVER, we will be trying out Virtual Frolicking :slight_smile:

To start, it’s going to be a dedicated text thread here in this FB group. So at the appointed time, folks can check in, post what they’re working on, and chitchat as moved to.

Won’t have video, just text thread comments, unless someone hosts something on a different platform

On the good side, some of y’all that can’t come to tuesdays because of time/day/distance, there should be some opportunities to join in

So this Tues, NO physical meeting. Check in here instead for the Virtual Frolic

We’ll keep up the Tuesday 7-9pm thing, but anyone can choose to host other days/times as well.

For those that want video or would like other days/times, you are invited to set it up and host. Just post what/when/where and we’ll try it out

We’ll do things this way for awhile until threat of plague subsides. Will miss seeing y’all in person until then.


There is a meet function in our makerspace Google services you can use to to a group video chat.

Got to and sign in with your DMS login. Then you can all join a video chat. If you don’t want to be on camera you can also just mute the camera and be audio only.


That’s what the screen looks like, Jeannie. It would be great to have audio at a minimum.


Thanks, we’ll have to give that a spin!


Thank you for setting this up, I missed the last one and had been wanting to attend one.

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To be clear, they will be virtual, not in person (if I recall, you had some things you were asking about).

But just as far as meeting folks, questions, etc, looking forward to “meeting you”

Here’s the link to the fb group where we’ll post things and hold the events (or link to other locations):

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I joined for Josh because he’s not on Facebook. I’ll pass any info on to him and if there are video chats He can use my account.

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Sounds good. I’m not sure yet what form it’ll take Tuesday. At the least it’ll be a chat thread until we have have time to fiddle with the video thingy

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