Festi Round Flex Box Parameters

I have tried unsuccessfully to generate a round (circular) continuous flexed box with a tabbed bottom and lid using the Festi box generator for RoundedBox. A radius of 100 gives me the circular bottom and lid, but without any finger joints. Can anyone tell me what would be the correct settings for Festi, or if there is another box generator that would enable me to generate a round/continuous flex box?

Thank you,


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I think the reason you are not getting results you’d like from RoundedBox function is that it wants to place tabs along defined sides, i.e. areas that are “straight” as far as the function is concerned (see source code here: boxes.generators.roundedbox — boxes.py documentation).

The following may get you closer or headed in right direction? Limitation is that, like all things Thingiverse, it is an actual file (in this case SVG), i.e. static, and not a flexible solution like changing settings in Boxes.py might get you.

That said, one approach to your current situation if no tab solution presents itself (and, as written, Boxes.py doesn’t seem like it will) would be to laser route a channel or rabbet into bottom and/or top that the flex-hinge wall can be either pressed or glued into.

Also, if your lid became a two-part design, with the lower part being a narrow cylindrical/annular piece whose function is to support the round wall/side and second part is a disk that is glued onto first part created the solid lid, it might also be a way to solve the support purpose that tabs typically are used for. Something like this, although approach is adaptable.:

As with all thing laser box related, trial-and-error and tenacity are the real keys. Best of luck…