I came in and couldn’t get it to turn on. It is pretty full. I swept up overflow, but I didn’t trust myself to handle the bags on my own, and no one was around to help
You can always scoop the sawdust out into a trash can and then empty it. At least you didn’t use any of the equipment with the Felder down.
Hm. At least? Yes of course not. I’m just trying to be a good member and report issues like I was told to do. I guess the takeaway here is that my honest report got me watched, and inspired you to search for things I did wrong. It’s not the best atmosphere to create if you want people to be community oriented, open, and to report issues.
Why do you think I didn’t empty out the Felder? I’m curious about your theories. Perhaps you think it was decision based on laziness? Or maybe I had an important meeting to attend? I can tell you. I wanted to empty it, and It was frustrating to feel like I couldn’t. I didn’t because I was unsure how to do it on my own. Next time I will scoop.
Thank you for reporting this better to report it if you don’t feel comfortable doing it. Than to do it and make a mess or mess up the equipment.
Again THANK YOU for reporting!!! We need more members to report like you did!
Have you taken woodshop safety & orientation? I generally show my students how to empty the felder.
If you’ve already taken it in the past, we can find some time when I’m on site and I can show you how to do it. It’s not particularly hard, just requires a little bit of sawdust in the face. Let me know what works for you.
Also, emptying the felder by yourself is a massive pain, so I don’t blame you there. I generally like having someone to help me out.
Thank you @engpin.
@simurghi I have taken woodshop safety and orientation, and my teacher did indeed talk us through emptying the Felder. But he also said to ask someone for help. The task was looking pretty daunting by myself. Yeah I’d like to get some hands on experience with emptying it from someone who knows what they’re doing. I will dm you and see if we can work out a time
No therories, I went you couldn’t lift the bag alone.
My suggestion in this case is scoop it out. You don’t have to scoop it all the way to bottom.
This isn’t a game of gotcha, but it also an opportinutiy for others to learn from your experiances.
BTW, the scoop most people use is the aluminum dust pan. Now go make some wood chips and fill it back up.
I have used this method - but be careful it is very easy to put a hole in the bags. The bags are outrageously expensive. A medium sized cardboard box, if you can find one in the garage bins, with the tabs ripped off also works well and won’t damage the bags.