Next Maintenance Day + Committee Meeting is March 4th at 11am. If you have an interest in keeping Laser running, we’d love to have you join us. I brought tacos last time. Just saying.
Wonder what is going on in Laser? You can peek behind the curtains here:
- Attendees: Stephenie Webb, Chair (@heyheymama); Josh Wims (@JoshW); Beau Williamson (@gbeauw); Ryan Caldwell (@somecallmery); Brady Pamplin (@bpamplin); Stan Simmons, Infrastructure Chair (@StanSimmons); Merissa Green (@merissa); Clay Romeiser (@motopilot); Todd Bloom (@Bloom); Katiri Peters (@Kati).
- Location: Conference Room. Duration: 45 minutes.
- Chair explained how the Google Doc of running Action Items would track activity, allow members to add suggestions which Chair could then accept or reject, and provide transparency.
- Committee was reminded to walk through to greet members in Laser, reinforce fire safety education and check air assist flags when they are on-site.
- Reviewed safety issues. Donner caught fire due to a user closing its air assist valve and not returning it to the open position. Three members were observed on camera walking away from operating lasers, for as long as 30 minutes, once to woodshop, another to Automotive.
- Committee agreed on enforcement actions: warnings, temporary suspension of privileges until Laser Basics refresher course is complete, longer suspensions, permanent bans. Agreed to tie logins to the Active Directory so only authorized members could use the lasers. Not all members who have completed Laser Basics have it credited to their account. We will identify frequent users from login records so we can notify them to minimize disruption. After that, will make announcement and give a 30 day grace period for members to verify their Laser Basic status.
- Infrastructure Chair gave status report on issues with Adobe Illustrator licenses and installation of new solid state drives.
- Adjourned to conduct Monthly Maintenance: routine cleaning of machines and area; cash counted ($345) and turned over to Finance; repaired Zing’s bed; Thunder’s blue brackets were tightened, its bed support pole re-secured, and broken drag chain bracket repaired with a zip tie; created a desktop image that can be edited to display PSAs. Could not clear out scrap due to full dumpster which was not emptied on Friday.