Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm and Applications class on March 25th

Science committee has a class that’ll be appearing on the calendar in the next couple of days and I think it is an important one.

Joseph Fourier’s birthday is March 21st. Unfortunately for Joseph, that’s a Tuesday. In honor of Joseph Fourier and one of the most important algorithms ever created, I will be teaching a maker-focused Fast Fourier Transform class on the 25th instead. Maker-focused means applications heavy comes first. My plan is to first show how this algorithm can be applied to time series data, image data, and video data. Ideally the next step would be to go over certain implementations and packages. If people are still interested and there is still time, I’ll go into greater depth about the algorithm itself. The goal here though is that you should walk away with more capability than what you walked in with or at least a better signal processing vocabulary.

If you have some personal interest in signal processing or Fourier analysis that you want to discuss, then let me know in this thread.