I’ve done a family addon, added the account (under the confusingly named ‘contacts’ in WHMCS), and set a password for that user. Where do I go about setting a user-name for them, or where do they, so that they may register for classes? Calendar is not allowing them to log in with the e-mail address, but WHMCS is so I’m a bit baffled.
I’ve searched the wiki for addon, add-on, and family, and struck out on all fronts that way so I figured I’d ask here.
For those searching this in the future: Go to maker manager, click on Add A Badge, in the user selection box click and select the ‘create new user’ or similar language, and then you’ll create their badge and AD login.
I think this would be nice to have in the wiki. Before I go and add a page, what would be a good place for it? New-member 411?
Head, meet desk.
Kinda like this section of:
“You can sign up new members yourself by having them sign a liability waiver and following this procedure to have their badge activated and create Family Member accounts: Badge Activation Procedure”
Yup, exactly like that. Le sigh. I even opened that bloody doc earlier today and didn’t go far enough into it.
Thanks, again, Stan.