Essential oil everclear?

I believe i have lavender essence water and oil based. Want any? I have some of the old rose and ever-clear.

I would like something in exchange, but better that this get used.

I have just made another batch of extract. It is comprised of the lavender plant, cut and processed.
I combine to the plant being processed with everclear (1 1/2 cup) and almond oil(1/2). I placed the process material in a mansion jar and used a pressure cooker with a inch water bath. I heated lavender then let it cool. I have the first pressing. I am to do a second pressing with the material. after a couple of hearings and cooling. I am going to separate after the liquid i squeeze from the substance decants into oil and water.

This vaguely follows this recipe.

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Could the plant extracts be used for soap? like on the class “The Science of Soap Making” wensday at 7:10pm