Engineering Paper Review

As I started this semester I found I needed to order some more engineering paper for my classes. Instead of just buying whatever is cheapest or most easily available I have decided to get one pad each brand I was able to find.

What is Engineering paper?
Engineering paper is a semi translucent paper usually light green, that has grid lines printed on the back. The grid lines lightly show through the page during use. When pages are scanned or photocopied the grid lines do not show up. This helps create a clean and professional look to calculations or sketches.

Why should I use Engineering Paper?
I use engineering paper because it helps me keep my work neat (neat-ish) both because is has the graph paper to make my sketch not look like crud and because of the 5 boxes at the top of the page. These boxes are good for keeping track of the “meta data” for your documents like project, date, and page count.

Another great aspect of engering paper is that it comes on pad similar to a legal pad. Engineering paper is hole punched so you can organize your notes or calculations in any order that makes sense regardless of the order they were written in.


By the numbers National Brand is the winner of this test however I just don’t like the page layout.
For me the Engineering Paper of choice is Tops.
If Comet improved their top binding I would really love to use their paper

TLDR: Buy National or Tops Engineering Paper.


While I generally detest all things French, I strongly suggest trying the engineering paper from Clairefontaine. Very good quality and while possibly not important to you works very well with fountain pen ink.

I always use the Staedtler engineering paper, no experience with the others. Have you used it?

Interesting concept - product reviews on the DMS forum. I like your review - it is well organized and you obviously you put some time into this. I will be looking further into this.

I see that Vanderburg Drafting Supply just one exit down from DMS at I35 and 2373 Spring Valley has engineering paper.
I will take your review and see if they have some engineering paper I might like to purchase.


I like having engineering pads laying around now (usually National), but when I was in school what I really needed was some kind of clipboard style folio that I could use to keep the pad hanging together while in my bag. I think I just stuck it in a 3-ring, but that’s not very convenient when you need to rip off the sheets.

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