I am looking to purchase an Endoscope for the space. I would like to check the dust collection in the wood shop for clogs. While this is my intent I want something that could be used by automotive or other areas. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the ones offered on amazon. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=endoscope&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aendoscope I would like it to be decent quality with a light and a long stiff cable. The stiff cable requirement isn’t as important. If it is to some we can get a short stiff one and a long flimsy one.
No personal experience, but I did a google search for good review bore scopes and these from Amazon came up and shows a number of really good reviews on Amazon.
and here is a video review of the 5M version video review
Automotive bought “one” recently, as far as I know. I know virtually nothing about it, and never have seen it in person, but I believe it’s shown on the table here: Torque wrench dissection + new tools .
@Brandon_Green should know, but I would have thought you’d already discussed this with him.
I actually have one that I bought trying to find a leak in my pool pipes. It works ok, vga resolution with a led light. I’ll be at the space tonight for the wood router class, and I’ll bring it with me. I also have some fish tape which works for pushing it through pipes or ducts.
Edit: This is the one I have: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OHBCCN6
Yeah it should be in the diagnostic drawer, not the highest resolution but it works and has a light
Man, I wish I had remembered that before buying one of my own. I’m tracking down a blockage in the truck’s AC plenums.
Automotive would most likely want one that was small enough to go into a spark plug hole…
When I read “Endoscope” I thought “WTF - Is there a bio-experiment/cyborg project or is this just a rogue element performing colonoscopies.” Did see a nice borescope in the wood shop of all places Wednesday night.
@AlexRhodes I bought one if the cheap ones. Check requirements. They tend to not have drivers past XP, and the focal distance is lacking. Be sure it’s returnable if it doesn’t work for you.
You can also affix it to fish tape and fiberglass cable pullers for stiffness.