Ender 3 Help Please

That’s the Dallas Farmers Market, not the Dallas Makerspace. I’m guessing you clicked the wrong entry in your phone contacts list.

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The beads and sputters indicate an extrusion issue somewhere between the injector and the nozzle. These videos go through those issues.

Once, you get a consistent flow, then Prusa recommends cleaning the bed with acetone once a month or so.
Good luck and keep us posted!

We went through the printer together yesterday. His plastic extruder assembly had cracked, preventing any tension from being applied to the filament. There was no problem with the ptfe tube or the hotend. After he gets an aluminum extruder, his printer should start working again.


Yes thank you very much. I had spent upwards of 8-10 hours troubleshooting this. Only to find out that it was a $20 fix to buy an aluminum extruder assembly.

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