This Thursday we elect 5 new directors to help manage and grow our community.
In the last few years, we created a tradition of a ceremonial transfer of power at the following Board of Directors meeting. This moment is entirely symbolic. That ceremony was scheduled for April 27. The new Directors take office the moment they are elected at the Annual Membership Meeting (Thursday April 12th this year).
The Board of Directors has scheduled an emergency meeting for Friday 13th to discuss and possibly decide on Expansion of the Dallas MakerSpace. It is entirely appropriate to hold the ceremony at the beginning of that meeting. It will be the new Directors who make the decision on the Expansion and future direction of our cherished Space.
David Kessinger @Photomancer posted the meeting to the calendar.
I created the wiki entry to document the BoD meeting per documentation requirements.
Link to meeting: Board of Directors Meeting 20180413 Emergency Meeting - Dallas Makerspace
Link to relevant section of the By-Laws, section 2.1.3:
Text of section 2.1.3
The Board shall be elected at the annual meeting by a quorum of the members and their proxies. Their term of office shall be until the next annual meeting of members or until a successor has been elected.