Embedded programming error (personal 3d printer)

I am running a ender 5 plus and just had the head run into pei floor. I have had a number of success ful test prints. So I am trying to find there error. Is this the right place to ask the question?

Oddly the house bolt seems to be out but not stripped. I think this might be an error or failure do to heat endused stress, but… I BELEIVE THIS IS NOT THE ISSUE IT STILL LOOKS LIKE IT I THE SLIC3R program OR THE FIRMWARE.

Trying to see what you think happened. It sounds like you are saying the head dove into the base plate. What I am not clear on is if it was in the middle of a print and then dropped down or if it started that way. Regardless, you have a BLTouch which means you SHOULD have good information on the bed so it shouldn’t drop into the bed as long as you have a good z offset stored. Why do you think its the software or firmware?