Electronics estate sale

A house near me is having an estate sale. Guys grandad was an electrical engineer into hobby electronics, trains, synths, etc , and his uncle was into making his own instrument pedals and such things. It’s a bit of a wreck, but I picked up a Fluke meter for $5 as well as some good arduino kit stuff. There’s a hoard of model train stuff (not sure what type; small). Lots of old meters, scopes, radio equipment, etc. I bet he’d sell you the triangle truss antenna in the back yard.

13659 Heartside Pl
Farmers Branch, TX

Is this a regular estate sale this weekend, or something else?

I’m not quite sure what you’re asking. It’s just an estate sale. The previous owners passed, and the guy who inherited it is selling everything inside before the flipper who bought it takes ownership.

I posted it here because there are boxes of hobby electronics available for anyone interested.

Today’s the last day. I picked up a bunch of computer boards from the 80s, a couple of VIC-20 carts, a 1571 drive / power supply, a first gen (good one!) C64 power supply, 2 VIC-1525 printers, and bags and boxes after bags and boxes of electronic components. Also grabbed a TI calc and printer from the 70s and a bank of cards for a homemade synthesizer.


Dang. Wish I’d seen this earlier. Though I definitely don’t need more clutter disguised as ‘unique stuff!’