Electronic lab kits and regulated power supplies: does electronics want them?

I have 5 or 6 of these. Electronics want them?

If not I’ll put them on the donation shelf



I’m not familiar with that PS so I looked it up.

The Elenco PS is variable from 0-15v and puts out 300ma at 12v and 200ma at 15v using a simple LM317 regulator.

I think they would be perfect for some breadboarding projects. A good couple of mods for them would be to install a small meter to show the voltage levels and to build a set of wires that are banana plugs to .100 square pins to plug into breadboards.


So the ps is actually a kit… 2 of which are unassembled


Check with the committee chair @artg_dms before dropping them off.

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I’ll volunteer to assemble the other kits… or to guide 2 n00bs through assembly.

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I am at the space now if you want to grab them

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Can you set the power supplies under the Blackwater 100 pin in Vector?

If electronics wants them they can have them and I’ll help get them built. If Art doesn’t want them, I’ll find homes for them.

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I assume you meant under the pinball machine, and not actually in the bucket of blackwater…

They are under there


Thanks! That’s my machine and while it’s now playable, I have more repairs to do to it this weekend.

I got caught up with some stuff, and I guess the power supplies got moved to electronics. I have more of the electronics kits in my car if they want them