Egg cartons of greenware

I have a bunch of small tiles and other pieces of greenware on the “ready” shelf, and I thought I’d be considerate by leaving the tiles in the egg cartons but a discussion on Discord made me think twice.

Should I go fix it? I don’t expect the kiln to be fired with the egg cartons in there :flushed:

Its okay, I just loaded your tiles without the egg cartons.

I couldn’t find the discussion on discord that told you it would be fired with the egg carton as is, but that is not the case.
We don’t fire organic materials in our kilns, so maybe it was a misinterpretation of the rule on how we load pieces into the kiln: We load pieces as they are laid on the ready-to-fire shelf within reason.


It was the “fire pieces as they are on the shelf” that made me worry, WHEW THANK YOU!!! :heart::heart::heart:

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