EDU committee mtg Sat Nov 2

Come and be a part of the education committee as we support our teachers.


wiki posted:


Looks good. Saw this:
Salient point made by the attendees: don’t leave the room after your class/event without confirming it is correct, back to standard.

When I worked at United Technologies part of their 5S and Visual Workplace was each conference room had a laminated photo of how it was to be left (standard) and was the responsibility of the person calling the meeting. If it wasn’t like that when you arrive you were to report it. It worked well.

Suggest this be the responsibility of whoever signs-up the class or event.


Thanks Doug, good meeting. Appreciate those that participated, thanks for making DMS run.

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I was there, and got the impression that there are good things to come.

I plan on using 5s methodology, I will also have a rise course built before EOY about that topic, and then the action is showing how it’s used in our classroom(s)

All sounds good, sorry I missed it! Had just gotten back from Seattle.