I could not find any upcoming classes on the calendar and i see that training is required to use the setup.
Would anyone be interested in teaching me a few things one night in the coming weeks?
I could bring beers or food, whatever you prefer, to thank you for this private session.
Thanks in advance!
Whichever he brings, I’d be happy to bring the other. 
I would like to learn as well!!! I could bring homemade scones or pie 
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@CaryF300 typically teaches the classes. I’m not certified to do training, but if you have a project I’d be willing to help you.
I’ve added two classes in June on the 10th at 2pm and the 19th at 7pm. Unfortunately, I leave for Denver in the morning and won’t be back until next Monday night. Otherwise I would find a way to throw together an impromptu Dye Sub seminar.