Dust your feet off!

Seriously guys clean your feet off inside the woodshop… or at least sweep up your mess.

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I remember when we spent a ton steam cleaning the carpets and while the guy was still there, these prints showed up!

Should we consider sticky floor mats? Something like this?

I am married to someone who seems to be floor-mat challenged. His definition of “wiping his feet” seems to be either foot touching a floor mat as he steps across it.

Any floor mat has to be big enough for two strides in order to catch both feet.

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To me, the problem resolves itself when the cleaning lady vacuums the next day. I dunno, a workshop is dusty, it’s just a fact of life


Right. In future incarnation, maybe less dust overall, i.e. better dust collection, will mitigate. Also, not locating some of the most chip/dust generating tools right by the door, which is dangereux, anyway

It’s kinda like a civil engineer putting a sewage treatment facility right next to community pool & water park.



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Who appointed you to be hall monitor :rofl:
Funky Winkerbean-1-26_2

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