Dry ice blasting equipment?

Do we have dry ice blasting equipment? The bus I bought came with a pretty awful paint job, and I’d prefer this method over other methods I’ve researched. Less risk of metal warping and easier clean up.


We do not.

You might want to contact a wet abrasive blasting service (often called “dustless”)

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If DIY blasting this, you could do soda blasting. you would need a respirator and goggles. But clean up just requires rinsing the soda dust down a storm drain, as it is just baking soda.

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Unanticipated side effect of soda blasting: the grass on the side of your driveway dies.

I’m with @TLAR, contact a specialist. There are several around DFW who will come to you, and their dustless blasting gear is optimized for media like dry ice or soda, so they can usually get the job done relatively quickly. Less time spent = less money burned.

Of course, you could always try chemical stripping. If you’re not dealing with surface rust, but just bad paint, that’s gonna be a much more cost-effective solution.


I recently called up a place about renting CO2 equipment - it ain’t cheap.

Startup costs are ~$1,000, plus $300/hr running costs. No wonder folks charge ~$500 an hour to do it.

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Yeah, I spoke with Continental Carbonic earlier, but just got the receptionist. $1.85/lb for dry ice pellets, but she’s having a sales rep call me for the gear rental information. I figured if they had sales reps for discussing rentals, it wasn’t going to be cheap. :zipper_mouth_face:

I’ll probably go with a specialist, like @suchsojasco mentioned.

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You may want to call these folks. Local mom and pop.

They do a variety of media blast. Their equipment goes from big to holy shite huge.
I had them blast something for me that was all aluminum to remove the paint, but without destroying the cabinet.
For the Vietnam vets - he has a fully air ready UH-1


Always wondered what a Slick would look like in bare aluminum.

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Right?! We’ll find out soon, I hope.

LOL @ the misinformation right there in the click screen. That is NOT water VAPOR. It’s mist. And maybe paint particles. And “recycled glass” media…
It IS interesting and neat, though.

EDIT: Oh. I see. They CLAIM it “vaporizes on impact”. Well, maybe I’m wrong…

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What the heck happened to the 300 pounds of ground glass used to blast this stuff off? It’s not like it’s going to degrade into the soil. I’m assuming it is very small like fine sand. Six 50lb bags is a lot of stuff plus all the crap that blasted off.

The stuff looks great and I imagine it works great - basically a hand held water Jet.

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In other videos the operator lays down tarpaulin and sweeps up some of the residue after the job is done.

I love Zach’s video link where the guy is counting the money - sure wish they would cover what a trailer mounted rotary screw compressor costs to buy(or rent) plus the blasting gear.

Much like “reality TV” it isn’t realistic price wise.

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Several years ago, when I first looked at Dustless Blasting, they DID actually offer pricing on their web page. That’s gone, now, as expected.

They also no longer list that unit. All those the list are double axle.

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The deal paid in cash!!! Counting out the Hundos … I worder if he reported that income? :sunglasses:

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What income? Is cash income?

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Had to bring up the Lasers!!!