Dreamworks LED Set for sale - 55.00

30ft, waterproof plus controller.

Used once for testing, brand new. These weren’t bright enough for my application, but could work for someone else.

What kind of power supply does it need?

need a 12v PSU for power i’ll be at the space tomorrow teaching a 2:00 pm class if you want to check them out.

Are you the guy that was in the CA room not too long ago and had thesquare laser rastered cast acrylic piece with a cool skull image it you were going to light?

no that wasnt me, but i’ve seen something similar at the space as well pretty cool. Im the guy that builds arcade, built the mortal kombat x cabinet.

Ok cool…he had a light set up there that looked a lot like this one. I’ll catch up with you after your class tomorrow!

ok i’ll try to remember to bring em up i’ll be in the vector area working on the juke for a bit