Donner Cleaning

Hi, I was doing some cutting last night on Donner and had to bring down the speed much lower than I normally would’ve needed (I can generally cut my 0.08" thick wood between 100-300 speed, but needed to go down to ~30 to cut some similarly thick acrylic. I think the mirrors just may need to be cleaned. Thanks,

That is pretty normal for acrylic iirc. Acrylic is much more transparent to the laser than wood is and so you generally need to go a lot slower on it.

That being said, it’s also possible that like the max power setting got changed on the machine… You can check by clicking the max power button on the front panel and seeing what it’s set to.

I cleaned all the lenses and mirrors last night at around 11:30 p.m. to midnight, so if you did it after there I doubt it was the fact that it was dirty.