Donation: Slipmaster Ventilation booth

My wife and I just brought this in and have it sitting in the ceramics area. We haven’t had the room for it at home in a while (as evident in its dirty condition and need of a new vent filter), so we wanted to see if the committee wanted it for the space. Otherwise, if a member wants it for their own - either way, better put to good use than out in a landfill!



One warning, it is our practice at DMS to contact the committee and get their approval for a donation before dropping one off in their area. I’m guessing you didn’t do that based on the scenario given at the end of your post.

I hope the committee has use for the vent and thank you for your generosity.

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As a member of the Expansion Group, there are no requirements in the current plans for additional outside exhaust ports. Please keep this in mind before accepting this piece of equipment.

Thank you for your donation, however, we do not spray on any of our glazes. We currently mostly only brush glaze (we have bought dip glazes on one occasion for the space) and I do not think we would get any use out of it.

I want it if it’s still there! I can pic up tomorrow eve


Love it when a plan comes together. :slight_smile:

Go get it!

And just FYI, we never used it for spraying - we used it for cleaning greenware so dust didn’t get everywhere.


Thanks, Hopefully it’s still there tomorrow. If someone sees it please put my name on it and hold to Tuesday.

Got it, thanks