At the end of August, the Creative Arts committee was gifted with Jeanne’s ENORMOUS stash of fleece and weaving yarns by her husband David. Both @Starreyedgirl and I could tell right away there was no way we could absorb the entire donation and/or do it justice. But I set about working to eat the elephant one bite at a time.
Former DMS members @Martha_Myre and @ @classielassie came a few days later in the month, and helped me sort through the donation to weed out the unusable stuff (buggy, mildewed or otherwise). They identified items that could be put to use by the Fiberarts SIG, and chose a few special items to add to their own stashes.
Yesterday, my friend Ashley Leon, a recent graduate of UNT from the (now defunct) Fiberarts degree program, came to help me photographically catalogue the stash, so I can allow DMS members and DMS FiberFrolic Facebook group members to see whether there is anything they would like to adopt - whether to have a small memento of the lady who inspired so many of us, continue to build their skills, or both. She also selected some favorite bits and pieces for herself and some of her fellow recent grads - that are of the “broke ex-college student” variety to continue building their skills with spinning, dyeing, weaving, felting etc.
I put together a photographic peek into each of the remaining 36 bin-loads of goodies. I’ve taken the liberty of doing screenshots of each of the bins with an identifying number and an attempt at a description. (this is way out of my comfort zone, so I can’t appropriately use words like “top”, “roving” etc.
If you are a member, the bins are on the storage racks near the Logistics Project Purgatory Room in the south warehouse. The yarns are on the shelving facing Purgatory, all of the fleeces/roving are on the racks facing out towards the work area.
Last night, the Creative Arts Committee discussed both this donation and the many boxes of leather samples from Gulfstream that we have. We aren’t terribly comfortable with putting prices on any of this, but we need it to go. So, we agreed that in exchange for acquisitons that you make a donation to the DMS Scholarship (fellowship?) Fund. And if you have some makery skills to share, consider offering a class once life is closer to “normal” again.
(Edited to correct bakery to makery and add “Fellowship” to the donation destination, since @MellissaRhodes nudged me that I might have it wrong. But too tired to go investigate further.)
All of this stuff has to be gone by the end of the month. If anything remains, it will be carried out to the dumpster. Which would be a shame.
If I can figure out a way to host a one-day garage sale of sorts - whether outside as a drive-through type event or in the flex area, we will likely offer both the fiber pictured and the leather samples.