Does anyone sell custom end grain walnut cutting boards?

I’m always on the lookout for custom gift ideas for clients, and I usually go for custom cutting boards which I order off of Etsy. The turn around date for thick, quality boards are usually pretty long with shipping time. I figured why not see if anyone at DMS sells since I’d much rather get something locally made anyways! I see people making cutting boards all the time. It’s nothing too complicated but an end grain thick walnut cutting board with a juice groove would be ideal. If laser engraving could be included, that would be even better but it’s not 100% necessary

@got_tools may, check with him.

Would making them yourself be an option too? The process of making a cutting board isn’t that difficult (though with end grain, there are a few extra steps involved). @TSki teaches a class from time to time, and I might throw one up in the next month or two.

But barring that, I think @j801496 is also an end grain cutting board expert, so I’d reach out to him.

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I do have one im willing to part with. Also, I’d ve more then willing to show you how to make them. Let me know.

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I have a neat trick where we can brand the edge of the board and it becomes marketing expense… food to thought


It’s been almost impossible for me to get woodshop training because of my work schedule recently and how quickly the classes get filled :frowning: otherwise I would be so down to learn it myself!

These are great! I always request that I get a little engraving for marketing expense haha glad we are on the same page! I’ll message you

@j801496 has some classes posted for this weekend that are still open. If those don’t work for you, feel free to message me and let me know what dates/times work for you and I can try to work something out with class scheduling or setup a 1:1 session for signoff.

Do you want to learn how to make an end grain or do you want to buy them?

More looking to buy right now but definitely want to learn as well!

I can toss my hat in the ring, send me a DM with particulars if you’re still in need.


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