Do we have any clear grain filler?

I am attempting to finish a padauk snare drum and the grain is very open, I want to level out the grain so I can put a table top “piano” finish (clear) on the drum.
I went to several stores looking for grain filler but no luck. Any suggestions?

This is the stuff: “Aqua Coat”


Thanks in advance!


Don’t know if Rockler or Woodcraft carry this brand but they are the only places I’ve found the high end filler (as opposed to the stuff at Lowes and Home Depot). I used an ebony filler from Woodcraft and the effect was cool - it finished like glass.

Both Rockler and Woodcraft stock grain fillers.

Remember to also purchase de-waxed shellac to be used as a sanding sealer. This needs to be applied before and after grain filling. You can also tint the grain filler to a color darker than the your base wood.

For quality veneers, take a look see at Certainly Wood in East Aurora, New York

Their products are all solid, raw and non-backed. They have wider sizes and special thicknesses that are not available around here.

Please also contact “Space” member Michael Maternowski who is a piano and pipe organ specialist.

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