Do we have a set of sizing rings?

I need to figure out what size ring I need to fit my odd finger. I’m assuming we have a set somewhere. How do I locate them?

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That would be amazing! I need some new bling and never know the right sizes outside of my ring finger!

I’m fairly certain I heard someone say at one point that we had a set of tests in one of the jewelry drawers… I think at the time they had been in one of the little workstations in the middle of the area.

It’s been a while though.

Thanks. I’ll look next time I’m in.

If you’re going to be at the 'Space either Sunday night (6:30 or later) or Monday noon (11:00 or later) we have a 2-part casting class scheduled and someone can help you find the ring sizer.

This is like I figured – we all know that jewelry has one. But most of us aren’t sure where it is…

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Sizing rings were in this drawer last I checked maybe two mons ago -

Thanks. Saw this after I found them, but that’s where all three sets were.

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