I need to test a handful of components on my EVAP system and need to be able to pull a moderate vacuum. It think this requires a hand vacuum pump with a gauge similar to that’s pictured below. Does DMS own one?
I need to test a handful of components on my EVAP system and need to be able to pull a moderate vacuum. It think this requires a hand vacuum pump with a gauge similar to that’s pictured below. Does DMS own one?
I have a smoke generator that you could borrow. Not sure when I will be back in though. It is basically a paint can with a hose that you connect to the air compressor, and the car’s battery. Fill it a bit with baby oil, and it pumps smoke into the evap system. Makes finding a leak super easy.
Very generous offer. I will keep that in mind, but I don’t think I have a leak, rather, I think there may a defective valve or pump and I need to apply a vacuum and see if it’s operating correctly. I will get back to you if I need to borrow your generator.
Thanks again,
I know that you can get these for just a few bucks at Harbor Freight.
We did or do - I cannot say for sure where it is.
wire shelves or perhaps the bottom drawer of the black tool box
Thank you for all the helpful replies. It turns out that it was a faulty oxygen sensor and not a vacuum leak. Car is now fixed and ready to pass its annual inspection.
Thanks again,
I would love to borrow your smoke generator. I have a 87 Mercedes that I think has a vacuum line leak an this has been a pain to try to find. Let me know if possible.
If that fails, I can bring a smoke machine to the space for use one evening…I just need some notice.
Bryan, I can make that happen. When do you need it?
@bryanshoe I will be at the space tonight. I’ll bring the smoke machine and put it in my box.
Thanks. I was troubling storing electrical and still think it is vacuumed. I will be the DMS tonight also for the PlasmaCAM class. I will try to find you before 7:00 pm.
I am at DMS now and will be in the Purple training room starting @ 7:00 then moving to the plasma cutter.
I ended up not getting to go. I will be there today or tomorrow, and I will put it in my box. Sorry for the confusion. Life happens.
Thanks for the offer to use. I saw how easy to build on youtube and I just built my own using a soldering iron, a paint can and misc components. Works great!
Thanks again.
Sorry you had to build one. I left it mine on the shelf in automotive a week or so ago, but forgot to tell you. I’ve been slammed at work.
Let me know when that happens. I have 2 cars that have vacuum leaks
I’ll bring mine down thursday if you’re going to be at the Space - I’ll be there all night starting at 8pm…
I’ll see you tomorrow.