DMS Discord and Current Events

I assume you have evidence and pressed charges then? Because that would be a crime. Logistically how would that even have been done? Do you use the same password for these other systems as the same one you use for DMS systems?

Though to be fair, we store the password hashed and salted, so even with database access it wouldn’t be terribly useful unless your password is super easy to guess (e.g. hunter2).

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Nice try Cody.

You assumed wrong.
Evidence yes. Pressed charges no.
Most of the time crimes go unpunished.
I don’t go around suing everyone in life that doesn’t matter.

You’re trying to be fair to a password system? Confused.

Anyways, look it’s real easy, he forced everyone to use DMS email address & then he initiated password recovery resets & would use the links generated to get into other company systems and make changes.

The point is he generally made up rules along the way, sited unwritten rules in his own mind, terrorized people with admin privileges, brushed his tail up against unwanting people, used future rules?, camera stalked, applied rules unevenly, deleted records, punished people in a tyrannical fashion that fit his current daily needs. He got bit in the ass biting a bigger dog. Sucks for him, but don’t cry about it. Not exactly mother Teresa. Volunteering many hours doesn’t make you a good human.

Not sure who Cody is, my name is pretty clearly in my handle and profile.

Feel free to post your evidence, or post it in the Discord if you think it might get removed by a mod on here.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

You literally started posting in this thread to beat a dead horse with wild and unproven allegations, against a person who can’t defend themselves in this medium. But I’m the slimy one? :roll_eyes:

I’ve butted heads with Tails in the past, and haven’t always agreed with their actions. But I’ve never seen them do any of the horrible things you claim, and I’ve yet to see any evidence to support those claims. I admit to being biased against anyone who defended the actions of a previous board and officers that enabled and hid fraud, and continues to support them, so I take anything you say with a massive grain of salt.

Additionally, no one has to prove to you what their preferred name, pronoun, etc is, that’s asinine.


Im going to try and refocus you.

Topic = Guy that used to bully people gets banned & I don’t feel sorry.

I’d say now it’s more like “someone calling her/himself ‘Kevin’ makes defamatory comments about someone else, on a platform they’re not allowed to use to defend themself, almost as if she/he (‘Kevin’) is afraid to talk directly to the person against whom they’re making spurious accusations.”


Your tone deaf responses here aren’t adding anything meaningful to the conversation.


Why am I being referenced here? I am not “Tails” . Not sure what Kevin has against “Tails” but I have never heard of Kevin before. There are plenty of things to dislike me for, but this, miraculously, is not one of them.

It’s probably just the post he chose to “reply” to. It’s a nuance. Perhaps Kevin assumed that you understood this “feature” of Talk. I usually try to reply to the person I’m addressing, or if I have a general thing to add to the thread, I’ll click the reply button at the bottom of the thread. Because that doesn’t tag a person.

I click on the links and it takes me to discord but not the specific server

This is an old topic that went off the rails. Per the New Member 411 page on the wiki: